
EFEKTOR Whammo review! A whammy pedal DTM plug-in that is great for guitarists!


“EFEKTOR Whammo” is Kuassa’s pitch shifter plugin!

No matter how you look at it, it’s an emulation of Digitech’s whammy pedal!

Kuassa is a manufacturer that sells classic guitar effect pedals as low-cost plug-ins.
A plug-in that lets you get the sound of a whammy pedal at a cost-effective price!

There are a surprising number of artists who use whammy pedals.
The shimmering chord sound used in the intro to Radiohead’s “Iron Lung” is one of the best uses of the whammy.

This is what it looks like when you play the guitar using a whammy pedal.


You can hear the Kuassa EFEKTOR Whammo Pitch Shifter in the video below.


Since MIDI can be assigned, it is practical to use with a MIDI foot controller!


Kuassa has a UI that is friendly to guitarists who are not good at using digital equipment. The big advantage is that many guitarists who are familiar with guitar effectors can use them without hesitation, as many of them have the same amps and pedals as the actual machines.
A harmonizer plug-in with excellent cost performance because the price is low for the sound quality!

Features of Kuassa EFEKTOR Whammo

Kuassa EFEKTOR Whammo

The Whammy pedal features two pitch settings, one on the toe side and one on the heel side. When you press down, the amount of effect on the toe side increases, and when you release it, the amount of effect on the heel side increases.

This is possible because it is a plug-in, but if you set the pedal parameter “PedalPos” to 0.5, you can mix it with the original sound and play three sounds at the same time. It is not very suitable for use as a harmonizer because the settings are a bit troublesome.

The appeal is that it can be used as a pitch shifter when you step into it.

EFEKTOR Whammo review

( 4 )
  • ワーミーペダルを再現
  • かなりの激安価格でコスト面で強い
  • MIDIフットコントローラーが合ったほうが良い

Now let’s start the EFEKTOR Whammo review! !

The Whammy Pedal is a DigiTech pitch shifter foot controller. This pedal allows you to control the contents of Digitech’s Intelligent Pitch Shifter with your feet.

The harmonizer sound tracking of the whammy pedal is very good, and it is difficult to replace it with products from other companies, making it one of the most used by guitarists.
Current professional multi-effect systems allow pitch shifters to be assigned to foot controllers, so something similar to Whammy can be achieved.

The unique sound of the whammy pedal is the change in sound from the moment you start pressing it to the end.

The purpose of using a whammy pedal is to add changes to the sound that rapidly change pitch. If you get into it well, you can also use it to strengthen your groove.

With a harmonizer plug-in on your DAW, you can do something similar by writing pitch automation, but

Only the whammy pedal can achieve a wide pitch shift of +2 octaves (+24) up and -3 octaves (-36) down.

The advantage of EFEKTOR Whammo is that Digitech has not released a plug-in version, and there are very few plug-ins that emulate the Whammo pedal itself, so there is no other alternative.

Isn’t the price too low?

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